Saturday, January 10, 2009

Caste Consciousness

There are many incidents in our life on which some are to be felt proud and happy while some others which embarrass. Caste division to its prime is prevalent in rural areas. I too responded as usual like a villager some occasions which I would like to repent.
More than that I would like to present the situation in front of you which I am sure would look far from being realistic. Hope this would be interesting.
Carrying chair:
I was studying in sixth class when perhaps I was not aware of the caste discrimination amongst school friends also. It so happened that a teacher asked to class students to bring a chair for him so that he can teach in open air. (Today too most of the classes at that college are held in open air particular in winter for sun. Here teacher sits on a chair and students find places on ground with boys group together and girls shyly sit on other side in such a way that both group intercept right angle to the teacher.)
This time I volunteered to bring the chair from classroom. I noticed many were (including girls from their separate balcony) looking at me surprised which wondered me. I, later, came to know that I was not supposed to do these things as some other classmates were obliged to do that. One of my Yadav classmate while taking the chair from me said,” You are Thakur. Let me carry this.” I was convinced and also felt ecstasy of being in a group which is regarded with such a respect.
Brahman and Kshatriya are considered as high caste and are respected by others in public no matter how cruel or ill-being those are. They are saluted even though their age does not permit. We as a Kshatriya also are used to do the same for all Brahmins elder or younger whom we know even now. This is the system of society followed. If one tries to break the ‘law of lord’, he or she has to face disrespect and infamy.
One more incident which made me caste conscious the same year is as follows.
Three or four member who remained together all the time in the school time was Run Vijay, Ramteerth and me. We played together, wandered together and ridiculed someone together. One day I borrowed a book from Ramteerth to complete my notebook. I after that due to my engagement in irrigating my crop field could not return him the book which he needed. He lived in neighboring village. He came to me in my field where I was and I went home with him to return him the book. When we reached, I called him inside. I called few more times but he stayed outside my home. I was puzzled. My mother said,’’ How come he come inside the house, he is (pardon me) Chamar.’’ I stood still for a while wishing that he would not have heard my mother saying that embarrassing words. I went to him and returned the book and sent him off.
Then onwards I talked little to Ramteerth and remained with Run Vijay. I later sensed that he discovered the reason of my ignorance to him. We both avoided each other. My feeling of being superior was reinforced by kind of relationships and behavior of other upper caste classmates had with others.
I now feel ashamed of myself of that mentality and behavior. But I do not hold myself responsible and my mother as well for the practice which is followed unconsciously by all all-around.
Separate dish:
If labors are of lower caste, they are served food in a separate dishes reserved for them when they work for an upper caste. Sometimes they bring their own dishes and wash themselves after eating.
This perception is intensified when elections are close. Election candidates make full use of it. A particular community are understood to favor a particular party without their disclosure. Discussions at shops become hot these days and are often heard.

I have satisfaction of the outcome of inner battle which I had fought for a long consciously to bring my mind to secular being. I thank God to give me this kind of conscience which I used to overcome negative thoughts and still need that ahead.
I wish God bestow on others too the conscience to break the rule and come up with more fraternity. Education is the only key to eradicate such evils. A secular education system, which would turn the people to think on philosophical grounds and make them warriors of evils, is desperately needed. The idea of equanimity comes from spirituality. So, the spiritual blend of education with modern science would generate the leaders of the world.


  1. you've come a long way, boy..write more, coz u write very well, and also it kinda opens up the real india to many of us who have not seen that part of india at all

  2. i am so grateful to have met you, a person of such resolve.. You indeed write very well, and propagate your thoughts everywhere to spread the light. Hope these things get better with time. And yes, Happy Birthday

  3. At the lower level all that means to people is cast, you know it is one of the problems we are not progressing . I totally agree to you , even in village whenever I go i am made to remember that you are a brahmin that stuff is not for you .

  4. 1. The fact that education brings change is one of the most fascinating things I have realized.

    2. It's really commendable when someone uses the above and changes himself/herself for the better, at times in sheer contrast with all previous exposure to learning.
